It’s time to answer the call and be the author and shero of your epic life. You know you were made for this. For the day you shared your story with the world and inspired others to create the lives they love and deserve.

I’ve advised and given guidance to dozens of individuals during my journey as an indie author and publisher. With ten books and a poetry journal I’ve gone through the pains and the process. Using my experience and expertise I help other women avoid some of the pitfalls, if they talk to me soon enough. 

I offer inspired women with a message both individual sessions and guidance on a goal-focused monthly basis. Whether you need help getting clear on the message you want to speak on, to create a signature talk, to get through the publishing process or prepare to take the stage, let me be your guide on this epic adventure of sharing your story and message with the world.

Who’s Story Guidance For?

My story coaching is especially for those magical women who are passionate about the work they do, are inspired change-makers, know there is power in their message, and are ready to share it.

You believe you can help others with your gifts but don’t believe you have to always go it alone. You understand the power of community and support and are ready to live your shero life.

How I Help You as a Story Guide

I help you clarify and share your unique brand message on the page or the stage.

Your goal is to get your message out there. But what does that mean? You know you need a clear message, authority, and to get in front of your idea clients. It’s important but that doesn’t mean it’s not overwhelming. Afterall, it’s your business to do what you are here to do – your sheroic and epic life, but if you aren’t being who and what you’re meant to be, what is it for?

My coaching focuses on three key areas (body, mind, and spirit) so that you can show up as the author and shero of your own story and give permission for others to do the same through you. While you can jump in anywhere along the path, if you haven’t gotten clarity on what call you’re answering, I’d suggest starting there.

Public Speaking and Presentation to Help Women Share Their Message

This guidance is interactive, fun, and can be life-changing even outside of your work as an author, coach and speaker. Gain confidence, poise, and public speaking tips that will help you engage with and connect to your audience.

Working with me on your public speaking and presentation skills is about more than just public speaking and is about presenting yourself like a professional – who is knowledgeable and able to solve the problems of your ideal clients.

Individual Guidance

Book a free discovery consultation to discuss your project, goals, timeline and determine if my guidance can help you reach your goals.

Individual guidance sessions and monthly arrangements are available after the discovery consultation.

Book Your Discovery Consultation to Get Started

You can follow all my own creative stuff and wellness journey (Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok).